> The saddest thing ('Design of Educational Games') – Ian Bogost explains why the computer game 'Animal Crossing' is so cool:
"The whole family shares a single GameCube, so the game's persistent state fascilitates natural collaboration between family members with different schedules. For example, a child might find a fossil during the afternoon, then mail it to her father's character in the game. At bedtime, she could let dad know that she needs to have it analyzed at the central museum so she can take it to the local gallery the next day. As critics Kurt Squire and Henry Jenkins wrote of the game, 'Families (of all types) live increasingly disjointed lives, but the whole family can play Animal Crossing even if they can rarely all sit down to dinner together. When families do gather, the game offers common points of reference and common projects to discuss.'"
> Some general culture for y'all (Productions- and Operations Management)
"Bow ties have been around for more than 300 years, their origin traceable, as one story goes, to the court of Louis XIV of France in the 1600s. The King noticed a company of Croatian soldiers who wore white-silk kerchiefs around their necks. The King apparently loved the look, and appeared at court shortly thereafter with the white kerchief plus some lace and embroidery to heighten the effect, along with a small bow in front to finish it off.
Originally, the Corats had wrapped their necks as a charm to guard the area against sword swipes. 'Cravats' comes from the French cravates, which referred to the Croatian soldiers."
> Incredibly useful (Logic I) – life would be hard without this:
"p ⋁ p ⊃ p"
> Tonight's program (Measure and Integration) – not my passion:
"Let X=[0,1] with the Lebesgue measure and let un(x) := sin(πnx), forall x∈[0,1].
a) Show that {un} is equi-integrable.
b) For every rational r∈[0,1], find liminf (n→∞) sin(πnr), limsup (n→∞) sin(πnr).
c) For every irrational x∈[0,1], find liminf (n→∞) sin(πnx), limsup (n→∞) sin(πnx).
d) Prove that {un} converges weakly to yero in Lp([0,1]) for any 1≤p<∞, and weakly star to zero in L∞([0,1])."
4 Kommentare:
Comment fais-tu des signes mathématiques dans ton texte de blog?
t'utilise simplement la sytnax LaTex?
Je n'y arrive pas, moi:(
Non, c'est moins futé que ça... :) J'utilise seulement les caractères spéciaux.. (et je suis déjà soulagé qu'au moins sur 1 autre machine, ça semble s'afficher similairement :)).
Avec latex j'aurais évidemment fait des plus jolis limsups!!! :):):)
Oh, qu'est-ce qu'on est des geeks.. je ne sais même pas si je veux savoir ce que tu es en train de publier là... :)
"Oh, qu'est-ce qu'on est des geeks"
Effectivement, c ce que je me disais aussi en soumettant mon commentaire.... En plus ça me semblait tellement naturel de poser cette question.... Awww....
So you did finally post about your readings. And look, people did read it! Well, maybe not YWAMers (except our dear molly of course)... Anyway, Half of those readings hurt my head; I am NOT a math major! Give me philosophical problem over a math one any day...
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