An die Tasten, fertig los! ;)
Finalement, le jour est là où je réalise la monstre frime, anticipée pendant des années – un site trilinguel! :) Pour rester helvétiquement neutre pendant mon échange aux Etats-Unis, je vais parler de mes découvertes en français, allemand et anglais tour à tour. Bien que; je ne peux pas nier qu'un excès de commentaires - disons - en français me motiverait à fond pour la langue de Molière ..........
Alors tous mes romands germanophobes: Débrouillez-vous! ;)
Years of intensive language and people study finally offer me an excuse for this massive bragging: A trilingual blog! :) In order to stay helvetiqually neutral during my time in the States, I'm going to write my news alternately in English, German and French. Even though; I cannot deny that an excess of - let's say - English comments would be a valuable argument in favour of Shakespeare's language ..........
It's in your hands! ;)
Alors tous mes romands germanophobes: Débrouillez-vous! ;)
It's in your hands! ;)
4 Kommentare:
first comment by tina - ole.
Also ich bin sicher, di duetsche kommentaer waerdet dominiere, obwohls uf daerae englische taschtatur eifacher waer zum englisch schribae =)
ich hoffe fescht, dass das noed dae einzig waeg isch, wie mir in kontakt blibaet, aber vilicht gsehnd mir ues jo a neujohr in LOS ANGELES...
i vermiss di - tu me manque - i miss you (wow d`tina isch au druesprochig. kanti laesst gruessen)
üüü, also die grüne schriftfarbe sieht sehr giftig aus (:
wie wärs mit dem graublau wie im titel "rice reist.."?
I do not mean to be impolite, but I believe it has to be stated the the word "favor" should not be used within some text worshiping Shakespeare's language. Indeed, this is sheer Bush's language (this is, of course, not meant as a judgement on my part). Shakespeare's language militants, to which I associate myself, would prefer the following spelling: "favour". Moreover, the preposition "in" should precede the word as well, if one aspires to syntactical correctness.
I hope this helps.
Dear Mr or Mrs anonym.
Meaning to be polite, I changed the spelling in said entry.
I hope this helps.
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